Our Services


We are able to take a project from initial briefing to completion on site, interior installation and occupation. Nevertheless we tailor our scope of services to the specific needs of the client and project and we usually offer them as a ‘shopping list’.


Typically we progress through a series of workstages as below.

1: Survey & Appraisal

A very flexible workstage depending on the needs of the project - to establish the strategic and design brief and make a physical survey of the property.


2: Design Development

An intense period of project development to agree a detailed brief and graphically explore alternative design concepts - to be narrowed down to one preferred concept. The spatial and technical principles are substantially established at the end of this stage.


3: Planning & Heritage

To refine and develop the concept design so that most of the major design decisions will have been made, towards submission of application(s) for Planning, Listed Building or other consents.


4: Construction Drawings

To prepare technical written and graphic documents that set out the requirements for constructing the project – so that it can be put out to tender or negotiated with a preferred contractor.


5: Build on Site

Administration of the building contract and site and design obligations up to Practical Completion.


6: Post-Completion

Administering the project contractual obligations during the Rectification (“Defects Liability”) Period.


We can also act as:

  • Party Wall Surveyor

  • Principal Designer for The Construction (Design & Management) Regulations